Miso Broth for Shabu Shabu www.tiktok.com 3 mins Pick the duration units Minutes Hours Save Delete Delete recipe Are you sure you want to delete this recipe? cancel Yes, delete cancel ✕ How to import recipes? Not sure how to import recipes to other apps? Check one of the guides bellow! Notion Evernote close Export copied = false, 2000)" disabled class="opacity-50" > Copied! Copy {loading = false; export_guides_dialog.showModal()}, 2000)" > Exporting... Plain text {loading = false; export_guides_dialog.showModal()}, 2000)" > Exporting... Notion markdown {loading = false; export_guides_dialog.showModal()}, 2000)" > Exporting... Evernote enex Print Cancel Edit save Directions 1. Boil a pot of water. 2. Add scallions to the pot. 3. Add noodle soup base, fish sauce, chicken boullion, miso paste, and gochujang. 4. Stir until the mixture boils. 1. Boil a pot of water. 2. Add scallions to the pot. 3. Add noodle soup base, fish sauce, chicken boullion, miso paste, and gochujang. 4. Stir until the mixture boils. Add Direction Ingredients 1 pot water 1 handful scallions 1 scoop minced garlic 1 cup noodle soup base 2 tsp fish sauce 2 tbsp chicken boullion 1 spoon miso paste 1 tsp gochujang 1 bowl tofu 1 bowl shrimp 1 bowl shrimp balls 1 bowl stuff meat balls 1 portion napa cabbage 1 portion bok choy 1 portion cilantro 1 portion oyster mushroom 1 portion enoki mushroom 1 package udon noodle 2 package yam noodle 1 bottle sesame oil 1 bottle Chinese barbecue 1 bottle peanut sauce 1 bowl sliced red chili - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + Add ingredient Equipment pot spoon knife Add equipment Tips Add tip How accurate is this recipe? Submit Cancel save Extract your Next Recipe! Extract Recipe