Spinach Salad + Dressing tidymom.net 10 mins Pick the duration units Minutes Hours Serves 4 Serves Save Delete Delete recipe Are you sure you want to delete this recipe? cancel Yes, delete cancel ✕ How to import recipes? Not sure how to import recipes to other apps? Check one of the guides bellow! Notion Evernote close Export copied = false, 2000)" disabled class="opacity-50" > Copied! Copy {loading = false; export_guides_dialog.showModal()}, 2000)" > Exporting... Plain text {loading = false; export_guides_dialog.showModal()}, 2000)" > Exporting... Notion markdown {loading = false; export_guides_dialog.showModal()}, 2000)" > Exporting... Evernote enex Print Cancel Edit save Directions 1. Add dressing ingredients to an airtight container, shake until combined, taste and adjust. 2. Arrange salad ingredients on a platter or bowl, pour dressing over, and serve immediately 1. Add dressing ingredients to an airtight container, shake until combined, taste and adjust. 2. Arrange salad ingredients on a platter or bowl, pour dressing over, and serve immediately Add Direction Ingredients 0.5 cup avocado oil 0.2 cup rosé vinegar (or red or white wine vinegar 2 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon diced shallot 1 teaspoon dried parsley 0.2 teaspoon coarse kosher salt 0.2 teaspoon black pepper 5 ounces spinach 2 cups broccoli florets 1 cup blue cheese 0.5 cup pecans 0.5 cup dried cranberries 0.5 cup pumpkin seeds 1 sliced shallot - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + Add ingredient Equipment airtight container or jar mason jar small bowl serving platter or large bowl Add equipment Tips Dress the salad right before serving to prevent the spinach from wilting. If you make the dressing ahead of time, give it a good shake so that it is well combined. Fresh baby spinach is the best variety to use for this salad. Store salad and dressing separately in airtight containers in fridge for 2-3 days/5 days respectively. Do not freeze Add tip How accurate is this recipe? Submit Cancel save Extract your Next Recipe! Extract Recipe