The Perfect Steak 8 mins Pick the duration units Minutes Hours Serves 1 Serves Save Delete Delete recipe Are you sure you want to delete this recipe? cancel Yes, delete cancel ✕ How to import recipes? Not sure how to import recipes to other apps? Check one of the guides bellow! Notion Evernote close Export copied = false, 2000)" disabled class="opacity-50" > Copied! Copy {loading = false; export_guides_dialog.showModal()}, 2000)" > Exporting... Plain text {loading = false; export_guides_dialog.showModal()}, 2000)" > Exporting... Notion markdown {loading = false; export_guides_dialog.showModal()}, 2000)" > Exporting... Evernote enex Print Cancel Edit save Directions 1. Get the pan piping hot. 2. Make sure your steak is out of the fridge at least 10-15 minutes early. 3. Season generously with salt and pepper; press the seasoning into the steak. 4. Start the sear in a little olive oil. 5. Add half a peeled garlic clove to the pan. 6. Add fresh thyme. 7. Turn the steak over once seared on one side. For the second sear, turn the gas up a little. 8. Add butter and baste frequently. 9. Let the steak rest; baste it every 2-3 minutes. 10. Prepare chimichurri sauce: Chop shallot and herbs. 11. Add grated garlic, salt, smoked paprika, and red wine vinegar to the herbs. 12. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil into the chimichurri. 13. Mix the chimichurri and add lemon juice. 14. Make a well in the mashed potatoes and fill with chimichurri. 15. Slice the steak across the grain and arrange it on top of the mashed potatoes. 16. Drizzle the remaining chimichurri over the steak. 1. Get the pan piping hot. 2. Make sure your steak is out of the fridge at least 10-15 minutes early. 3. Season generously with salt and pepper; press the seasoning into the steak. 4. Start the sear in a little olive oil. 5. Add half a peeled garlic clove to the pan. 6. Add fresh thyme. 7. Turn the steak over once seared on one side. For the second sear, turn the gas up a little. 8. Add butter and baste frequently. 9. Let the steak rest; baste it every 2-3 minutes. 10. Prepare chimichurri sauce: Chop shallot and herbs. 11. Add grated garlic, salt, smoked paprika, and red wine vinegar to the herbs. 12. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil into the chimichurri. 13. Mix the chimichurri and add lemon juice. 14. Make a well in the mashed potatoes and fill with chimichurri. 15. Slice the steak across the grain and arrange it on top of the mashed potatoes. 16. Drizzle the remaining chimichurri over the steak. Add Direction Ingredients 1 bone in ribeye steak 30 percent salt 1 generous amount pepper 2 dashes olive oil 1 half garlic 1 handful fresh thyme 1 butter 1 shallot 1 handful fresh mint 1 handful cilantro 1 handful oregano 1 pinch smoked paprika 1 dash red wine vinegar 1 extra virgin olive oil 1 serving mashed potatoes 1 generous amount grated goat cheese - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + Add ingredient Equipment pan tongs knife microplane grater Add equipment Tips Add tip How accurate is this recipe? Submit Cancel save Extract your Next Recipe! Extract Recipe