Brooki Cookies 35 mins Pick the duration units Minutes Hours Serves 4 Serves Save Delete Delete recipe Are you sure you want to delete this recipe? cancel Yes, delete cancel ✕ How to import recipes? Not sure how to import recipes to other apps? Check one of the guides bellow! Notion Evernote close Export copied = false, 2000)" disabled class="opacity-50" > Copied! Copy {loading = false; export_guides_dialog.showModal()}, 2000)" > Exporting... Plain text {loading = false; export_guides_dialog.showModal()}, 2000)" > Exporting... Notion markdown {loading = false; export_guides_dialog.showModal()}, 2000)" > Exporting... Evernote enex Print Cancel Edit save Directions 1. In a large mixing bowl, beat the butter and sugars using an electric mixer until pale and creamy. 2. Add egg and beat until combined. 3. Add flour, baking powder and salt, and mix until just combined. Add chocolate chips. 4. Scoop out cookie dough, roll into 150g balls. 5. Freeze cookie dough balls for 30 minutes. 6. Preheat oven to 180C fan-forced. 7. Bake cookies for approximately 15 minutes. 1. In a large mixing bowl, beat the butter and sugars using an electric mixer until pale and creamy. 2. Add egg and beat until combined. 3. Add flour, baking powder and salt, and mix until just combined. Add chocolate chips. 4. Scoop out cookie dough, roll into 150g balls. 5. Freeze cookie dough balls for 30 minutes. 6. Preheat oven to 180C fan-forced. 7. Bake cookies for approximately 15 minutes. Add Direction Ingredients 200 g unsalted butter 180 g light brown sugar 80 g caster sugar 1 egg 250 g self raising flour 200 g plain flour 1 tsp baking powder 1 pinch salt 300 g chocolate chips - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + Add ingredient Equipment electric mixer baking trays baking paper kitchen scale knife Add equipment Tips Add tip How accurate is this recipe? Submit Cancel save Extract your Next Recipe! Extract Recipe